Saturday, February 12, 2011

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Two Tiny Daisies

Two tiny daisies
Were wanting to flirt,
speaking rather incongruous. For
in February,
When the weather is frost,
is something unexpected.

Surprised at such boldness,
squat, heels to buttocks,
I stood there dumbfounded.
Incredulous, I confess,
Dedicating this vision stress
On busy schedule.

gently feeling the corolla,
Fearful of losing the compass, I just wanted to make
What true textbook,
This horticultural oddity,
Was a reality. What

magician, what Imp, The
had asked this morning
While I was buying,
To her who holds my fate,
To celebrate Valentine's Day,
A large bouquet of cut flowers.

And if it was just a reminder that we must go to
In our world "over-consumed."
That love is not material,
is needed for it to be functional,
Especially simplicity.

The magnitude of the feeling
Does calculates certainly
Not paid under the total. And this obsession
Is not an important subject,
Since our lives are intertwined.

I still live with the image
From your glance, deceptively wise
charge of life and gaiety. Our hearts
built a cage
For our love moves,
promise of an eternity.

Concerns, blueberries of the soul,
The joys, sorrows, dramas,
Absent when you are loved.
You are my life, the only Sesame
From my happiness, without psychodrama
only embarrassment of my thoughts.

And more amiable
Is this good to spend time
A soul mate that we cherish.
think it is not aberrant
To believe again, as a child,
That love alone governs life.

So I took these daisies
Duo love, sweet head-to-face
For repot bluntly,
While ignoring these recipes
Who hides the love of trifles,
De pile of flowers, gifts.

That these two simplistic florets
reflect what is my quest:
To be always with you,
order that never stops,
Despite the time and storms,
love you inspire in me.
February 2011


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