Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prolapsed Uterus What Feel Like

Thoughts on the preservation of our gay culture

A recent message on the blog "Booksellers associated" is interesting on the interest of French academic and heritage institutions for a certain aspect of gay culture. Indeed, the list of French libraries with the catalog of this library:
ARCHIVES GAY, an anthology of homosexuality in the ancient book (2005)
is reduced to one, when many U.S. libraries own it.

I'll let you see this message:

This is a catalog published in 2005 by "associated Booksellers' offering for sale more than 1200 books. Unless I am mistaken, there is no equivalent and catalogs, in the absence of a bibliography in French homosexual is an irreplaceable source of information. There are many site Ars Jacques: , but like all websites, it can only be ephemeral.

Read the introduction of Jacques Desse (click image):
course It may be objected that this catalog is first an object merchant. That may be what is most regrettable that this inability to imagine the world of learning and the world of commerce can enrich one another. Yet, if a homosexual culture has been passed through time and continues to live and grow rich (I only speak of writing), it is because there were booksellers who taken risks, who have contributed their knowledge, to live this culture and, on the other hand, collectors that maintain the production of this crop, which sometimes emphasize as I modestly try to do on this blog. If he had been expect that the institutions that provide backup information, I believe that much of our past have disappeared. When you know that a book as a major gay culture, the first work which shows that sexuality in all its rawness: Twenty lithographs for a book I read Roland Caillaux, 1945, is present in no public libraries in France, including the BNF which is the mission, we see that there is still some way to go to get to experience a true heritage of our history. That is why with all these "traders" of knowledge, there is still something that survives.

My message is probably unfair and in some ways, ignoring significant efforts to establish Gay Studies in France, but I remain convinced that more needs to be done to bring the university culture, sometimes a little elitist to another culture, often more personal, collectors, fans (what a horrible word!), booksellers and all those who also work to defend the homosexual culture that is our common heritage.

Note: these comments are those of me is reading the message above that I inspired them.


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