Saturday, October 17, 2009

Does A Queen Size Bed Fit In A Cargo Van

Izenzaren - Bitter

Biography Izenzaren
Izenzaren Group, was founded in 1972. Through their songs, the six party members want spokesman Amazigh culture. In 1976 the band performed for the first time on Moroccan television. There followed a tour that will take him to Paris on the stage at the Olympia a year later and participation in the first song festival in 1978 Maghreb. Today Izenzaren continues to drive cultural events and festivals in Morocco and abroad.
Although I'm not like the group amazighi Izenzaren. By his faithful and sincere style, his music warm, it vibrates the strings of my âme.J love listening to his chansons.IMI hanna is One of the best-known songs and the most famous. I like this is very chanson.Le Morocco rich in this area but this group adds to the Moroccan culture, continued to flourish groups Nass El Ghiwane and Jil Jilala.


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